We offer outpatient and inpatient treatment for adults who have psychiatric and behavioral problems. Our comprehensive treatment programs are tailored to the patient needs, enabling them to cope effectively with their illness.

It includes,
- Psychiatric evaluation
- History and physical evaluation
- Psychosocial Assessment,
- Psychological Screening
- Nursing Assessment
- Continuing care planning
- Dietary Care
- Pharmaco therapy
- Psycho-therapy
“Art of excellence in healing ministry, to prevent Mental illness, to promote Mental Health and Rehabilitate the person with Mental illness and leading to wholeness.”
Alcohol & Drug de-addiction (Acute care mental disorders)
Over the past few years, alcoholism and addiction to drugs have become widespread in our society. With the advancement of society and rapid changes in our cultural norms increased use of alcohol and drugs has become its biggest ills. Of great concern is the rapid increase in alcohol and drug abuse in our youth, irrespective of gender.
We have a special unit for alcohol and drug de-addiction. Our treatment program involves,
- Alcohol detoxication & de-addiction.
- Drug detoxication & de-addiction
- Psychology/counseling for addicts
- Family therapy/ counseling for family members
- Psycho educative and awareness classes by experts
- Yoga and meditation
- Prayer.
The hospital laboratory is fully equipped and provides highly impressive, reliable, comprehensive investigation services tailored to meet the treatment needs.
The hospital has a well-established pharmacy which functions on all week days and extends services during the night hours also to meet the need of patients.
Charity services
Free medical service or reduction in the treatment charges are made available to the poor and deserving people. Free medicines are given to those patients who are unable to comply with the prescribed treatment due to financial constraints.
Outpatient department is open all days (8.00am to 2.00pm) except on Sundays and National holidays. It renders services like Diagnosis, Psychological Assessments, Counseling, Psychotherapy, and other treatments.
Patients are admitted with the responsible relatives or guardian either in private room or in general ward depending on their requirements and subject to the availability. A caretaker or responsible person preferably a close relative will have to stay with the patient throughout his / her stay in the hospital. As in- patient services we have psychological management, individual therapy, family therapy, marital therapy, behavioral modification, occupational therapy, etc.